Friday, June 22, 2007

Canterbury Continued

The evensong at Canterbury Cathedral was incredible. Thursday night is the Boy's Choir supposedly so I enjoyed that while taking in the 1200 year old cathedral. It was breathtaking walking around in there. I couldn't even imagine how long it must have taken to build.

I also bought a small Beatles guitar book with every song they ever wrote in it. It helps out because printing any kind of music from the internet costs about £1 a page. (That's $2.00). Speaking of money, the internet is really expensive. It's costing me £1 just to use the internet for a half an hour. The computer in the hostel is a coin operated one so I am unable to upload any more photos.

I think tomorrow I'll be leaving for Paris to meet the Brocketts. Dinner was good tonight, though it was a bit lonely. I'm hoping to meet some people my age in France when I'm in a more popular city.


Anonymous said...

It's funny the twists and turns that happen on a trip and how it always makes the trip even more interesting. I'm sending you an email so check your account. Even though I never thought about taking a trip like you are, I'm now jealous and wish I were there with you, but I know I would probably get in the way. Maybe Italy...

Anonymous said...

Hey we can meet up in Italy I'm fine with that. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey man, sounds like your trip is going very well. I'm enjoying your posts, very well written. Hope you get to meet up with some cool people in France, that'd be sweet. Continue to have a great time Ryan. When the internet doesn't cost money, or is coin operated, post some more pics, i was liking the first ones. Alright man, i'm gonna go chill, take care and God bless

Anonymous said...

Sounds like your adventure is off to a good start. Are you still planning on posting a few photos?
I would have liked to heard that choir.